Thursday, September 18, 2008


Kier has been a very supportive big sister since this all began. I was worried she would feel put off because my emotions have been up and down since this whole pregnancy has come about' she is after all my only one for 15 years now. I must say I have a really wonderful daughter and I feel as though I have done a great job in raising her especially when it comes to trying times like these. I can always count on her to be the one to try to help alieve some of my stress by coming up and rubbing on my shoulders asking me everyday how my day was, and every morning by telling me she loves me before she treks out the door for school or hanging out with her friends. My Lil girl is growing up and she is very thoughtful. That warms my heart. The other day I got a call from Kiersten and she asked if we could go to Build-A-Bear to make a bear for Josie and of course she wanted to know if it would be okay if she made one. I felt a warmth in my heart and I knew that she was extending her thoughts out to her Lil sister coming into the world knowing just how loved she was going to be. I tell you their is nothing more sweeter than knowing you have children with a heart as big as the world. I love you Kier and you are your mommas world you never cease to amaze me at just how very dear you can be. Your sister is lucky to have such a great person for a big sister. I know you will teach her and love her as much as anyone. I am very proud God gave you to me and I have never regretted one minute of being your mom and I am very blessed. So this weekend Kier and I will make our way to Build-A-Bear to make her and Josie a bear I am going to let Kier name both bears this will be her special present for her Lil sister and I want her to know I trust that she will make the most perfect bear for the occasion.

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