Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A baby are you sure'

It was March 24Th I woke up so, so tired went to work' I work in a nursing division and had decided I wanted to rule out some reason to why I was feeling this way outta nowhere. I took a pregnancy test and my God it was positive' this fell on the same day two years after I had lost my father to brain cancer. I was both excited and terrified because I was no longer in a relationship with the man (I wont mention) who fathered my Lil girl to be. In April I had a miscarriage and I was devastated I prayed to God about things I had done that may have attributed to this loss, did a lot of soul searching and finally came to terms with what had happened I decided to take up jogging again it was something that had always made me feel better and it was working on my physical as well as my emotional well being. I say about 6 weeks had passed and my symptoms had started to return I was never sick mind you but it was that wave of tiredness. On Monday I had came back to work to take a test I knew that about a month it would take for my body to even begin to start returning to normal but I was very surprised to see a positive test and i called my doctor to enquire. I knew their was no chance this was a new pregnancy and was very confused he sent me out for blood work and I as well as him was surprised to find out that I was still showing I was pregnant on my Hg level as if I had never had a miscarriage.. WOW' I was instructed in may be a partial embryo and instructed to have a abortion. No way I wanted to look and see what was going on for my self so I called my doctor back not my pregnancy doc and asked for his help he had a emergency ultra sound performed and their she was' I was so full of water I could have flooded the whole room out but when I seen her a wave of calmness came over me and I just adored her' my sister was with me and she too was at a loss for words' God showed me his favor and that is how this all came to be.

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